[MCN] Sustainable Communities Tour July 21st
Erin Ojala
erin at homeword.org
Fri Jul 1 17:10:55 EDT 2016
Sustainable Communities Tour July 21st from 12-1pm
Please join us for a free one-hour lunchtime tour and learn more about
Homeword, the Solstice property and how we promote sustainable communities.
The Solstice was the second phase of the redevelopment of an urban
greyfield and completed in 2011. This sustainably built affordable housing
complex offers resident’s convenient access to retail, grocery and medical
services, is located along Mountain Line bus routes and has extended the
river trail along the North side of the Clark Fork River.
You will learn about Homeword's work over the past 22 years, our housing
counseling and education programs and the sustainability features of
Solstice that benefit our residents and community. Light lunch and
beverages provided. Free and open to the public.
Please RSVP to Erin Ojala at erin at homeword.org or 406.532.4663 ext. 10.
Thank you!
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