[MCN] Sunshine Movement has begun escalating action beyond strikes to direct action
Lance Olsen
lance at wildrockies.org
Sun Dec 8 16:02:19 EST 2019
Excerpt : We are not just mad, we are furious. Today, we are not only striking from school and marching in the streets (check out Detroit’s climate strike! <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/detroit-climate-strike-tickets-84042534483>) as we did on September 20th, but we are also using escalated tactics en masse for the first time.
We have learned from our predecessors. In America, the New Deal Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti War Movement, and the indigenous activists of Standing Rock, among many others, have paved the path of nonviolent direct action that we are now embarking on. They have proven, with lunch counter sit-ins and extended occupations, that peaceful, but escalated action is necessary to topple systems of oppression and inspire radical societal change.
The science and the warning signs are crystal clear: now more than ever, we are in need of such change. The youth climate movement is done waiting to be taken seriously by those in power. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg said <https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-50644395> as she arrived at COP25 three days ago, “People underestimate the force of angry kids… If they want us to stop being angry, maybe they should stop making us angry.”
Today, we are turning our anger into action. And today is just the beginning.
Naina Agrawal-Hardin <https://www.commondreams.org/author/naina-agrawal-hardin> is the co-founder of Zero Hour and an activist with Sunrise Movement.
https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/12/06/young-people-are-escalating-sit-ins-politiciansoffices-today-heres-why <https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/12/06/young-people-are-escalating-sit-ins-politiciansoffices-today-heres-why>
“The US economy is based on debt-financed overconsumption, while China’s is based on debt-financed overinvestment.”
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)
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