[MCN] Economic inequality and economic growth, economic inequality and climate change

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Mon Dec 28 07:07:43 EST 2020

Inequality and Growth | NBER - National Bureau of Economic ... <https://www.nber.org/digest/aug99/inequality-and-growth>
www.nber.org › digest › aug99 › inequality-and-growth <https://www.nber.org/digest/aug99/inequality-and-growth>
High levels of inequality reduce growth in relatively poor countries but encourage growth in richer countries.
Growth and inequality: A close relationship? - OECD <http://www.oecd.org/economy/growth-and-inequality-close-relationship.htm>
www.oecd.org › Economy <http://www.oecd.org/economy/growth-and-inequality-close-relationship.htm>
But beyond a certain point, and not least during an economic crisis, growing income inequalities can undermine the foundations of market economies. 
How are economic inequality and growth connected ... <https://equitablegrowth.org/economic-inequality-growth-connected/>
equitablegrowth.org › economic-inequality-growth-con... <https://equitablegrowth.org/economic-inequality-growth-connected/>
Oct 8, 2014 — Most research shows that, in the long term, inequality is negatively related to economic growth and that countries with less disparity and a larger middle class boast stronger and more stable growth.
Inequality of opportunity, income inequality, and economic ... <https://voxeu.org/article/inequality-opportunity-income-inequality-and-economic-growth>
voxeu.org › article › inequality-opportunity-income-in... <https://voxeu.org/article/inequality-opportunity-income-inequality-and-economic-growth>
Apr 3, 2019 — Simon Kuznets famously argued that inequality is beneficial for economic growth at an early stage of development, since a moneyed capitalist ...
by L Boone · ‎Related articles <https://scholar.google.com/scholar?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS737US737&um=1&ie=UTF-8&lr&q=related:EHGSc6PYxdXlDM:scholar.google.com/>
How are inequality and economic growth linked? | World ... <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/inequality-economic-growth-finance-business-taxation>
www.weforum.org › agenda › 2020/02 › inequality-ec... <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/02/inequality-economic-growth-finance-business-taxation>
Feb 10, 2020 — Addressing inequality is necessary to promote economic growth. 
Economic Growth - Rising Inequality and Rapid… | Economics ... <https://www.tutor2u.net/economics/reference/economic-growth-rising-inequality-and-rapid-growth>
www.tutor2u.net › economics › reference › economic-... <https://www.tutor2u.net/economics/reference/economic-growth-rising-inequality-and-rapid-growth>
Why can rapid growth often lead to a widening of inequalities in both developed and developing countries?


We're All the 1 Percent – Foreign Policy <https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/27/were-all-the-1-percent/>
https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/27/were-all-the-1-percent/ <https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/27/were-all-the-1-percent/>
Feb 27, 2012 - But the global average is about a fifth of that. So by global standards, America's middle class is also really, really rich. To make it into the richest 1 percent globally, all you need is an income of around $34,000, according to World Bank economist Branko Milanovic.

Half the world's richest 1% live in the United States - Jan. 4, 2012 <https://money.cnn.com/2012/01/04/news/economy/world_richest/index.htm>
https://money.cnn.com/2012/01/04/news/economy/world_richest/index.htm <https://money.cnn.com/2012/01/04/news/economy/world_richest/index.htm>
Jan 4, 2012 - The United States holds a disproportionate amount of the world's rich people. It only takes $34,000 a year, after taxes, to be among the richest 1% in the world. ... The rest are mainly scattered throughout Europe, Latin America and a few Asian countries.

Study finds rise in between-workplace inequalities in the US ... <https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-04/uoma-sfr040820.php>
www.eurekalert.org › pub_releases › uoma-sfr040820 <https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-04/uoma-sfr040820.php>
Apr 13, 2020 — ... share of wage inequality is growing in 12 of 14 high-income countries studied ... Rising between-workplace inequality occurs when firms with ...


Bloomberg, December 24, 2020, 4:00 AM MST

For Corrosive Inequality, Look to the Upper Middle Class
Noah Smith
Found at : https://finance.yahoo.com/news/corrosive-inequality-look-upper-middle-110019825.html

Excerpts — The U.S. seems to finally have decided that inequality is a problem. The reassurance that a rising tide would lift all boats rings hollow after a series of recessions left so many stuck in the mud. Economists are realizing that allowing greater inequality often doesn’t boost growth. And the moral case for inequality — the notion that rich people are fairly compensated for creating huge amounts of economic value — also seems to have largely collapsed. Even some Republicans are now talking about the problem.

But while upper-tail wealth inequality has certainly increased a lot, there’s another, subtler kind of inequality that gets far less attention. In the 1980s, the middle class diverged, with the upper middle pulling away from the lower middle.

The fact that the widening of inequality in the middle class happened decades in the past, and was largely complete by the mid-1990s, probably helps explain why it doesn’t get discussed much these days. But it’s a change that never reversed itself; It's become a permanent feature of our economy, something we now just take for granted. And it may be having a long-term corrosive effect on American society and politics.


Rich homes produce 25% more greenhouse gases than poorer ones <https://news.google.com/articles/CBMihAFodHRwczovL3d3dy5sYXRpbWVzLmNvbS9lbnZpcm9ubWVudC9zdG9yeS8yMDIwLTA3LTIwL3JpY2gtYW1lcmljYW5zLWhvbWVzLXByb2R1Y2UtbmVhcmx5LTI1LW1vcmUtZ3JlZW5ob3VzZS1nYXNlcy10aGFuLXBvb3Jlci1wZW9wbGXSAY4BaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGF0aW1lcy5jb20vZW52aXJvbm1lbnQvc3RvcnkvMjAyMC0wNy0yMC9yaWNoLWFtZXJpY2Fucy1ob21lcy1wcm9kdWNlLW5lYXJseS0yNS1tb3JlLWdyZWVuaG91c2UtZ2FzZXMtdGhhbi1wb29yZXItcGVvcGxlP19hbXA9dHJ1ZQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen>
Rich Americans produce nearly 25% more heat-trapping gases than poorer people at home, according to a comprehensive study of U.S. residential carbon ...
Los Angeles Times


Global rich must cut their carbon footprint 97% to stave off climate change, UN says <https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEHXjmVoNral0F_fjAaN2jNYqGQgEKhAIACoHCAowyNj6CjDyiPICMO-LxQU?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen>
Preventing the worst effects of global warming requires dramatic reductions from the people that pollute the most.
CBS News <https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMMjY-gow8ojyAg?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen>

Confronting carbon inequality | Oxfam International <https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/confronting-carbon-inequality>
www.oxfam.org › research › confronting-carbon-inequ... <https://www.oxfam.org/en/research/confronting-carbon-inequality>
Sep 21, 2020 — This briefing describes new research that shows how extreme carbon inequality in recent decades has brought the world to the climate brink.
What is carbon inequality, and how do we tackle it? | World ... <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/03/what-is-carbon-inequality-and-how-do-we-tackle-it>
www.weforum.org › agenda › 2016/03 › what-is-carbo... <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/03/what-is-carbon-inequality-and-how-do-we-tackle-it>
Mar 9, 2016 — What makes carbon inequality worse is that minorities and low-income communities are disproportionately harmed by climate change's ...


"The big challenge is still to deliver emissions reductions at the pace and scale needed, especially in a world where economies are driven by consumption.”

Sonja van Renssen. The inconvenient truth of failed climate policies. 
Nature Climate Change  Published online: 27 April 2018

U.S. Farmers & Ranchers for a Green New Deal Frequently ... <https://regenerationinternational.org/2019/06/20/farmers-ranchers-for-a-green-new-deal-frequently-asked-questions/>
regenerationinternational.org › 2019/06/20 › farmers-r... <https://regenerationinternational.org/2019/06/20/farmers-ranchers-for-a-green-new-deal-frequently-asked-questions/>
Jun 20, 2019 — Farmers & Ranchers for a Green New Deal is a bipartisan national coalition of rural and urban farmers and ranchers, and organizations that represent farmers and ranchers.
A New Coalition Says Farmers and Ranchers Want the Green ... <https://www.agriculture.com/news/business/a-new-coalition-says-farmers-and-ranchers-want-the-green-new-deal>
www.agriculture.com › news › business › a-new-coaliti... <https://www.agriculture.com/news/business/a-new-coalition-says-farmers-and-ranchers-want-the-green-new-deal>
Sep 19, 2019 — A coalition that unites farmers and ranchers behind the Green New Deal hopes to set a new tone for how the agriculture sector relates to policy ...
Why 10,000 farmers have gotten behind the Green New Deal <https://grist.org/article/why-10000-farmers-have-gotten-behind-the-green-new-deal/>
grist.org › article › why-10000-farmers-have-gotten-be... <https://grist.org/article/why-10000-farmers-have-gotten-behind-the-green-new-deal/>
Sep 21, 2019 — A coalition that unites farmers and ranchers behind the Green New Deal hopes to set a new tone for how the agriculture sector relates to policy ...
‎Farmers & Ranchers For a Green New Deal on Apple Podcasts <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/farmers-ranchers-for-a-green-new-deal/id1507811896>
podcasts.apple.com › podcast › farmers-ranchers-for-a-... <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/farmers-ranchers-for-a-green-new-deal/id1507811896>
The Farmers & Ranchers for a Green New Deal Podcast is a series of conversations with members of a national coalition representing more than 10000 rural ..
Perspective | Lucky enough to have a pension? The Fed’s low interest rates mean it may no longer guarantee a secure retirement. <https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/10/21/fed-low-interest-rates-pensions/>
By Allan Sloan <https://muckrack.com/allan-sloan>
washingtonpost.com <https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/10/21/fed-low-interest-rates-pensions/> — But if you dig deeper, you’ll see that the Fed is unintentionally worsening economic inequality — by providing the most help to Americans who are least in need of it and putting stress on the most important asset for the middle class: retirement benefits. 


 Michael Schlesinger, a climate scientist at the University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, points to another example …. “Things are happening right now with the ice sheets that were not predicted to happen until 2100,” Schlesinger says. “My worry is that we may have passed the window of opportunity where learning is still useful.” 

John Bohannan, ”Trying to Lasso Climate Uncertainty.” 


NATURE  August 30, 2007

Climate: Sawyer predicted rate of warming in 1972

2 excerpts:
SIR - Thirty-five years ago this week, Nature published a paper titled 'Man-made carbon dioxide and the "greenhouse" effect' by the eminent atmospheric scientist J. S. Sawyer (Nature 239, 23-26; 1972). In four pages Sawyer summarized what was known about the role of carbon dioxide in enhancing the natural greenhouse effect, and made a remarkable prediction of the warming expected at the end of the twentieth century. 

Despite huge efforts, and advances in the science, the scientific consensus on the amount of global warming expected from increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations has changed little from that in Sawyer's time.

Neville Nicholls
School of Geography and Environmental Science,
Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia

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