[MCN] Money : How to spend it? “I’m going to die of old age,” she says ... "young people are going to die of climate change."

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Tue Feb 25 19:40:23 EST 2020

In the early days, they faced considerable hostility. “We were completely vilified,” she says. “Pumalín goes from the Argentine border to the Pacific Ocean so we were known as ‘the couple who cut Chile in half’.” And it went downhill from there. “We were creating a new Jewish state – although we were raised as Anglicans; a nuclear waste site for the United States; a base camp for the Argentine military so they could finish Chile off once and for all. There were a lot of death threats. We had military planes flying over where we were based. Our phones were tapped for five years. At the time it was frightening. But when I look back on it, it seems very reasonable to me. Foreigners coming to buy up huge amounts of land and do nothing with it – of course there was tremendous scepticism, so I don’t really worry about that any more.”

“I’m going to die of old age,” she says. “You probably will as well. But young people are going to die of climate change. It’s not that we haven’t known that, but boy oh boy: that gives you another perspective, a reason to get out of bed.” And that is why she puts her money where her mouth is. Because every hectare that Tompkins protects sequesters carbon, which is at least a step towards mitigating global warming.

https://howtospendit.ft.com/art-philanthropy/207863-kristine-tompkins-environmentalist-buying-back-the-earth <https://howtospendit.ft.com/art-philanthropy/207863-kristine-tompkins-environmentalist-buying-back-the-earth>
“The US economy is based on debt-financed overconsumption, while China’s is based on debt-financed overinvestment.”

South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)

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