[MCN] Due to COVID-19, effective July 8th the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula is temporarily closing the Main Museum building

Jessie Rogers jrogers at missoulacounty.us
Mon Jul 6 17:55:30 EDT 2020

During to the resurgence in COVID-19, the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula has temporarily closed the Main Museum building through August. Outside exhibits & buildings will be opened daily.

Dear Friends, Members, and our Community,
Due to the spike in COVID-19 throughout our community & with guidance from Missoula Count Health Department, the Museum has made the difficult decision to temporarily close the Main Museum building through August.  Effective July 8th, the Historical Museum Main Building will be closed to the public.
The closure does not impact the grounds, which are open 24/7 and a wonderful place to burn off some energy while connecting with your community's past.
The outdoor exhibits and historic buildings will be opened daily.
Historic Park Hours:

  *   Monday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
  *   Sunday: 12pm - 4pm
Per the Missoula County Health Department, we will not allow any gatherings on Museum property of more than 50 people. All visitors and guests who have an appointment to visit the museum or to drop off book donations will be required to wear masks.
Please visit our Facebook Page<https://www.facebook.com/historical.museum.at.fort.missoula/> and Website<https://fortmissoulamuseum.org/> (www.fortmissoulamuseum.org<http://www.fortmissoulamuseum.org>) for new content weekly. Including, fort scavenger hunts, virtual tours & exhibits, puzzles, museum updates, and activities to keep you connected to our history.
Contact Matt Lautzenheiser, Director, for any questions, concerns, or to schedule a book donation. Ph# 406-258-3471 or mlautzenheiser at missoulacounty.us<mailto:mlautzenheiser at missoulacounty.us>.
As a community organization, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of the Missoula Community.  Please remember to physical distance when you are enjoying the grounds of the Historical Museum. Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time for our country. Stay well, friends.

Jessie Rogers
Development & Communications Director
Historical Museum at Fort Missoula

"While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed."  ---  Mattie Stepanek

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