[MCN] A pretty darned good review of Planet of the Humans

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Tue Jun 9 08:32:24 EDT 2020

Excerpt : The first is that if any nonprofit organization asked Americans to change their behaviors, they’d lose most of their membership.

Second, Big Green’s corporate (often the energy industry) backed foundations would never fund campaigns to go after the very economic system that’s filled their coffers in the first place.

Third, the mainstream environmental movement has become little more than an arm of the Democratic Party, which of course has zero interest in downsizing the American Way of Life™.

A common gripe against Planet of the Humans, even from supporters, is that it doesn’t offer any solutions. And while that may be partly true—it does point out our overconsumption—I don’t think it was by accident. I believe Gibbs’ intention was to expose the root of the eco-crisis in a way mainstream greens have been unwilling or unable to do, while leaving it up to us to yank it out of the ground.

Think of environmentalism like a relay race. POTH has run the most recent leg and is handing us the baton.

So, enough of what we’ve been doing wrong, what can we do right?

It’s easy—and usually fair—to blame corporations that degrade and despoil the planet. It’s a bit tougher to acknowledge how these corporations continue to exist because we keep feeding them with our modern lifestyles. But if we’re going to do anything about that, we’ve got to take a look at why consume so much.

<<https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/06/09/big-green-meltdown-over-planet-of-the-humans/ <https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/06/09/big-green-meltdown-over-planet-of-the-humans/>>>


It's too easy to blame the corporations for the climate crisis, when we subsidize them every time we buy what they’re selling. 

Corporate policy does matter. At the same time, corporations are totally dependent on their customers. 

This buck stops everywhere.



It's too easy to blame the corporations for the climate crisis, when we subsidize them every time we buy what they’re selling. Corporate policy does matter. At the same time, corporations are totally dependent on their customers. This buck stops everywhere.


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