[MCN] COVID : 3 major headlines with summaries

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Sun Mar 29 10:02:57 EDT 2020

Virus Could Overwhelm the Social Safety Net <https://www.wsj.com/articles/coronavirus-threatens-to-overwhelm-cities-social-safety-net-11585474200?mod=hp_lead_pos7>
The economic shutdown caused by the coronavirus is testing America’s safety net, and the people holding it aloft are feeling the strain.

Wall St Journal

The Great American Migration of 2020: On the move to escape the coronavirus <https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/coronavirus-great-american-migration/2020/03/28/b59d4d44-6f6f-11ea-a3ec-70d7479d83f0_story.html>
Even as most people stay close to home, millions of others have been on the move, a mass migration that looks urgent and temporary but might contain the seeds of a wholesale shift in where and how Americans live. But virus fugitives often are running into fierce opposition on their routes.

Washington Post

Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right <https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEPIA_0mtNlzWpaSB0xYTr4oqFwgEKg8IACoHCAowjuuKAzCWrzww9oEY?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen>
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration's most outspoken advocate of emergency virus measures, faces a torrent of false claims that he is mobilizing to undermine the president

The New York Times <https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMI7rigMwlq88?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen>

"Ignorance of remote causes disposeth men to attribute all events to the causes immediate and instrumental: for these are all the causes they perceive."

Attributed  to Thomas Hobbes
“Teleconnections can be defined as linkages between climate anomalies at some distance from each other. The large distances in space and the differences in timing between these anomalous events make it difficult for one to believe that one event (El Nino or La Nina) could possibly have influence on the other (e.g. drought in southern Africa or hurricanes in the tropical Atlantic). Nevertheless, physical and statistical research has shown that such linkages do exist.”

Michael Glantz. Currents of Change : Impacts of El Nino and La Nina on Climate and Society. Cambridge University Press, 2001

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