[MCN] Seeking a little house/home

J B bigskygirl58 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 12:36:30 EST 2021

Hello Missoulians,
I am seeking a little home while I prepare to buy in the next 1-2 years.
I'm currently in a large home and have been subletting the basement. My
last 3 tenants have bought homes and moved out and I am tired of the
vetting process and having people move in and out, even though they've been
great housemates. The rent is too high for me to sensibly take on myself if
I want to save. I have an excellent job and good credit, as well as
excellent employment references.
I do have pets - full transparency. 2 dogs and a cat. That said, I also
have an impeccable reference from my landlord of 10 years. I don't need a
big house, I would love a garden space and do need a fenced yard. If
there's a garage, I will probably burst into song...Fair warning!
Do you have, or know of someone who has a little mother in law unit on
their property? Or maybe a little cabin that needs a respectable and
reliable tenant? Rent to own would be amazing if that even still happens
these days. Got something you'd like to sell with owner financing? Please
don't hesitate to reach out with any and all questions. Let's talk!
Thanks for reading,
*Fall down 7 times, stand up 8*
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