[MCN] Historical Museum at Fort Missoula moves into Winter Hours starting September 7th

Jessie Rogers jrogers at missoulacounty.us
Fri Sep 3 14:44:32 EDT 2021

Historical Museum at Fort Missoula moves into Winter Hours starting September 7th

As the leaves begin to turn and the days get shorter is it time for the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula to switch to our off-season hours. Thank you for coming out and enjoying your history this summer and we look forward to seeing you throughout the fall and winter.
Museum Hours Update:
Beginning September 7th, the Museum will change to Winter Hours
Main Museum Building hours.

  *   Tuesday -Sunday: 12pm-5pm
  *   Closed Monday
Historic Park open 24/7 and outside exhibits open:

  *   Tuesday -Sunday: 12pm-4:30pm
  *   Closed Monday
Museum will be closed on September 6th in observance of Labor Day.
As a public organization, our primary concern is the safety and well-being of the Missoula Community.  Please remember to physical distance and follow safety guidelines when you are enjoying the Historical Museum. Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time for our country and world.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about our hours of operation, tours, events or rentals queries, ways you can support the Historical Museum, or any other queries, please contact  Matt Lautzenheiser, Executive Director Ph# 406 -258-3471 or mlautzenheiser at missoulacounty.us<mailto:mlautzenheiser at missoulacounty.us>.

Jessie Rogers
Development & Communications Director
The Historical Museum at Fort Missoula

"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." -Desmond Tutu
*** The Historical Museum at Fort Missoula acknowledges that we are in the homelands of the Salish and Kalispel people. We offer our respect for their history and culture, and for their wisdom in caring for this place for the generations to come.

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