[MCN] Help change Higgins Ave and Beartracks Bridge, comment now please

Bob Giordano mist at strans.org
Tue Dec 20 17:07:51 EST 2022

Comments are being accepted by the City of Missoula for the Higgins
Avenue Corridor Plan (Brooks to Broadway section).

We at MIST support the preferred alternative, which is a 4 to 3 lane
conversion with protected bike lanes. The outer lanes of the Beartracks
Bridge would be made into protected or buffered bike lanes while the new
multi-use paths on each side of the bridge would become sidewalks mainly
for pedestrians.

This type of project generally slows car traffic (important for safety)
while keeping good car flow, adds bike facilities, shortens the crosswalks,
improves transit and supports local business.

To read more, look at renderings and give your comment, visit the project
website at:


Please spread the word and feel free to forward this email.

We also have more information on lane conversions and protected bike
lanes on our website, linked below.

A few more notes about this Higgins project:

-the protected bike lanes would be different/better than the ones on
N.Higgins, as the lane would not bend toward the main traffic

-a 4-lane section for cars would be kept between Brooks and 6th, as
the volumes are higher and this is a State Highway

-final details would be worked out in the design process, if this alternative
moves forward

-comments are very valuable right now, to move the project forward

-the proposal aligns with community policy and goals, such as Complete
Streets, Mode Shift, and Vision Zero.

-a buffered bike lane is usually just paint (like 5th and 6th between
Higgins and Russell) while a protected bike lane has a physical barrier
between cars and bikes

Thank you very much,

Bob Giordano, Director,
Missoula Institute For Sustainable Transportation
mist at strans.org, https://www.strans.org/

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