[MCN] Federal Dollars for Montana Schools: Solar panels and electric buses

Sarah Lundquist sarah at livableclimate.org
Wed Apr 26 15:05:48 EDT 2023

Dear Missoula community,

Families for a Livable Climate <https://livableclimate.org/>, Moms Clean
Air Force <https://www.momscleanairforce.org/state-chapters/montana/>,
and Montana
Renewable Energy Association <https://montanarenewables.org/>, in
partnership with the Montana DEQ <https://deq.mt.gov/energy/Programs/fuels>
 and EPA
are hosting a *free educational webinar on Monday, May 1 from 6-7:15pm* about
the federal funding available for Montana schools to transition to cleaner
transportation, air, and energy for our kids. This webinar is intended for
all interested in championing these efforts for your kids, school
districts, and neighborhoods with the focus being solar panels and electric
school buses. SIGN UP HERE

The U.S. Department of Energy and EPA has announced first-of-its-kind
investments to make clean energy improvements at K-12 public schools. Funds
will position school districts to make upgrades that will lower facilities’
energy costs by thousands of dollars per year, provide sustainable
transportation, and foster healthier learning environments for students.

This webinar will introduce these funding opportunities and how to apply.
Hear from experts working to support these clean energy transitions, school
representatives who have already successfully implemented clean energy
upgrades, and ask how you can help your school and kids in Montana do the

We hope you join us <https://livableclimate.org/events/2023/cleanschools> and
help us spread the word!

*Sarah Lundquist *(she/her)
Communications Director | Families for a Livable Climate
*Connect. Engage. Act.*

*Phone: *(425) 931-8623
*Email: *sarah at livableclimate.org
*Website:* livableclimate.org (Sign up
<https://livableclimate.org/subscribe-now-news-action-alerts> for action
alerts and news.)

Follow us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/familiesforalivableclimate>,
Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/livableclimate>, YouTube
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdtmynboHz5ZaPZ0GHvpZvA>, & Twitter
Donate <https://livableclimate.org/donate>, or subscribe to *The Changing
Times* <https://livableclimate.org/subscribe>.
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