[MCN] What if this is true?

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Sat Jul 8 23:52:58 EDT 2023

"We’re logically left with one primary path: cutting the demand for fossil fuels.

“The hard truth about this path, a truth the Davos elite and most mainstream media seem reluctant to acknowledge, is that it will require personal sacrifices, especially from the world’s wealthiest people. 

"On average, the top 1% of global earners – people who earn $130,000 a year or more – cause 110 metric tonnes of carbon emissions each year per person. For perspective, that’s about 2,200 times the carbon burden of a typical citizen of Burundi.

“The world’s 1-percenters out-polluted the poorest half of humanity twice over between 1990 and 2015, and recent estimates suggest they are collectively responsible for more than 11 times the annual greenhouse gas emissions attributed to notorious climate villain ExxonMobil. Meanwhile, the top 10% – which includes earners who make $39,100 a year, a middle class income for individuals in Global North countries like the US – produce nearly half of all carbon harms. 

"No arithmetically coherent plan to cut carbon emissions can ignore this reality.”


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