[MCN] Paul Wheaton Presents at the Missoula Public Library - March 27th

wheaton labs wheatonlabs at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 22:56:45 EDT 2023

Paul will be giving a talk about the groundbreaking SKIP program:
Connecting Industrious Youth with Elderly Landowners - Got land, but have
no one to bequeath it to? Want land, but can't afford it? Need skills to
run your own homestead? SKIP is for you! SKIP (SKills to Inherit Property)
is an innovative and ingenious program intended to connect elderly
landowners with industrious younger folk. Paul explains the whole thing
from how you go about getting the skills through his SKIP events at Wheaton
Labs, or through the DIY method in the Permies.com forums. This could be
the answer for anyone who wants to prevent their legacy from being turned
into a development and for those who long for a home where the buffalo roam
and the deer and antelope play.

This free talk will take place at the main Downtown branch at 455 E. Main
Street in the Cooper Room A/B from 6-7.30pm. See you then!


wheaton labs forum at permies.com <https://permies.com/f/102/labs> |  summary
of all things wheaton labs
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