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<p class="">All-inclusive <a href="https://permies.com/t/58231">Natural Building Blitz</a> October 1st - 15th!</p>
<p class="">Come and learn roundwood framing, earth-integrated, Oehler-style, passive solar, tiny houses and more! Some homes are nearing completion and others are just beginning. Get to see the whole process on a range of simple designs you can later do your self. Building a tiny house can cost thousands of dollars. We’ll show you how to build a warm and dry home from woodland materials for merely hundreds of dollars.</p>
<p class="">Food and sleeping accommodations will be provided in cooper cabin, our 800 sq ft earth-bermed cabin with a rocket mass heater. Organic hearty meals will be provided most days. Community meals are inevitable with rich discussion and lots of laughs. Days will probably end gathered around a campfire or a rocket mass heater, having a beer and discussing the day.<br></p><p class="">Contact <a href="mailto:Janet@richsoil.com">Janet@richsoil.com</a> for details.</p>
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