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<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1"><b>PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE<br><br>Contact: </b>Jen Fredette, Communications & PR, Alberton Railroad Days Foundation</span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1"><b>Alberton, Montana to Host 32nd Railroad Days Celebration</b></span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">In honor of its storied railroad past, Alberton, Montana will celebrate its 32nd Railroad Days Celebration on July 14th and 15th, 2017; the all-town celebration is open to the public with activities and performances geared to all ages. This year, the festival is presented by the Alberton Railroad Days Foundation, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to raising funds for community projects and events.<br>
Friday evening’s events will run from 8:00 pm to (past) 12:00 am with musical acts such as The Artist Hemingway at Sportsman’s Bar and Casino, The FNG’s at Trax, and Mark Chase at the River Edge. Friday will conclude with a midnight Running of the Bulls at Sportsman’s.</span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">Saturday’s festivities are scheduled to begin at 8:00 am with a pancake breakfast in the Alberton Community Center. The breakfast is hosted by and will benefit the Alberton Senior Citizens. A parade kicks off the main festivities at 11:00 am, followed up by a talent show on the main stage and a car show at the Antique Depot.</span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">Free children’s activities will be available throughout the day including old fashioned carnival games, and Messy Fun which features a watermelon eating contest, whipped cream pie toss, and more! </span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">Other activities throughout the day include (but are not limited to) a flag raising ceremony, old fashioned picnic games, and a Golden Spike Hunt with a $100 prize. Various food and drink vendors will be available as well as art, craft, and other vendors for your buying and viewing pleasure. Musical acts will also be featured at various times with talents such as the Gorgeous Franks, Old Time Fiddlers, The Ghost Peppers and Toybox.<br>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">Alberton Railroad Day memorabilia buttons will be available for sale for $1 as well as various raffle buckets including a trip to Wallace, Idaho and the Hiawatha Trail. </span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">Alberton Railroad Day is sponsored by Blackfoot Telecommunications, Superior Septic, Montana Rail Link, Zip Beverage, and Republic Services. </span></p>
<p class="gmail-p2">Alberton is located 30 miles west of Missoula off I-90 on exits 77 and 75.<br><span class="gmail-s1"></span></p>
<p class="gmail-p1"><span class="gmail-s1">For further information on Alberton Railroad Day, visit our website at <a href="http://www.albertonrailroadday.com"><span class="gmail-s2">www.albertonrailroadday.com</span></a> or e-mail Jen Fredette at <a href="mailto:howdy@mountainpearlmedia.com">howdy@mountainpearlmedia.com</a></span></p></div>