[MCN] US forests now more vulnerable to climate than to logging
Lance Olsen
lance at wildrockies.org
Thu Nov 12 11:25:04 EST 2015
Forest Ecology and Management
Volume 360, 15 January 2016, Pages 242-252
Forest disturbance across the conterminous United States from
1985-2012: The emerging dominance of forest decline
Warren B. Cohen et al
*We characterized annual rates of forest disturbance between 1985 and 2012.
*Landsat time series were visually interpreted, with support of ancillary data.
*A probability design was used to scale estimates and provide uncertainties.
*Harvest was the most important disturbance agent class prior to the mid-90s.
*Forest decline is now more important than harvest as the dominant agent class.
Evidence of shifting dominance among major forest disturbance agent
classes regionally to globally has been emerging in the literature.
For example, climate-related stress and secondary stressors on
forests (e.g., insect and disease, fire) have dramatically increased
since the turn of the century globally, while harvest rates in the
western US and elsewhere have declined. For shifts to be quantified,
accurate historical forest disturbance estimates are required as a
baseline for examining current trends. We report annual disturbance
rates (with uncertainties) in the aggregate and by major change
causal agent class for the conterminous US and five geographic
subregions between 1985 and 2012. Results are based on human
interpretations of Landsat time series from a probability sample of
7200 plots (30 m) distributed throughout the study area. Forest
disturbance information was recorded with a Landsat time series
visualization and data collection tool that incorporates ancillary
high-resolution data. National rates of disturbance varied between
1.5% and 4.5% of forest area per year, with trends being strongly
affected by shifting dominance among specific disturbance agent
influences at the regional scale. Throughout the time series,
national harvest disturbance rates varied between one and two
percent, and were largely a function of harvest in the more heavily
forested regions of the US (Mountain West, Northeast, and Southeast).
During the first part of the time series, national disturbance rates
largely reflected trends in harvest disturbance. Beginning in the
mid-90s, forest decline-related disturbances associated with
diminishing forest health (e.g., physiological stress leading to tree
canopy cover loss, increases in tree mortality above background
levels), especially in the Mountain West and Lowland West regions of
the US, increased dramatically. Consequently, national disturbance
rates greatly increased by 2000, and remained high for much of the
decade. Decline-related disturbance rates reached as high as 8% per
year in the western regions during the early-2000s. Although low
compared to harvest and decline, fire disturbance rates also
increased in the early- to mid-2000s. We segmented annual
decline-related disturbance rates to distinguish between newly
impacted areas and areas undergoing gradual but consistent decline
over multiple years. We also translated Landsat reflectance change
into tree canopy cover change information for greater relevance to
ecosystem modelers and forest managers, who can derive better
understanding of forest-climate interactions and better adapt
management strategies to changing climate regimes. Similar studies
could be carried out for other countries where there are sufficient
Landsat data and historic temporal snapshots of high-resolution
Study co-author Dr Amanda Bates, from Ocean and Earth Science at the
University of Southampton, said: "In 100 years from now, 100 per cent
of species in many communities will be lost and replaced by new
species able to tolerate warmer conditions, leading to a
redistribution of species across the globe."
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