[MCN] Can forests take the heat? Brief answer

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Wed Oct 14 09:19:08 EDT 2015

"Collectively, the results foreshadow 
twenty-first-century changes in forest Š towards 
distributions unfamiliar to modern civilization."

Park Williams et al. Temperature as a potent 
driver of regional forest drought stress and tree 
Nature Climate Change. PUBLISHED ONLINE: 30 
SEPTEMBER 2012 | DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1693

"We have only one planet and the time has come to 
transform our present lifestyle and consumption 
patterns in order to halt the degradation of the 
Earth's natural capital ..."

From the Executive Summary, WWF:  China 
Ecological Footprint: Report 2012 : Consumption, 
production, and sustainability.

"Š energy consumption in 1960 was about half what 
it is now [i.e., 1970] Š. Surely we had a 
civilized country then, with roads, electricity, 
entertainment, and so on. Š. Have we, by doubling 
our energy consumption, doubled our happiness?"

Kimon Valaskakis, Peter S. Sindell, J. Graham 
Smith, and Iris Fitzpatrick-Martin. The Conserver 
Society. 1970. Harper & Row.

"The most painful and expensive way to deal with 
global climate change will be to ignore it until 
something happens that elicits powerful public 
demands for immediate and Draconian action."

Jonathan Lash.  "As the earth heats up. "  Journal of Commerce August 16, 1996.

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