[MCN] National Science Foundation: Snow & the future of winter

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Fri Jan 15 08:48:49 EST 2016

In celebration of snow and winter as we know it, and in a look at 
what winter may be like in the future, the National Science 
Foundation (NSF) has launched a new special report: Let It Snow! The 
Science of Winter. <<http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/snow/>>

The report focuses on projects supported largely by NSF's Directorate 
for Geosciences and Directorate for Biological Sciences/Division of 
Environmental Biology.

Grants from these areas fund research on subjects as diverse as 
measuring snowfall; tracking snowstorm "bombs," as whiteouts are 
known in meteorology; studying animals and plants that live beneath 
the snow in an ecosystem called the subnivian; searching for 
snowmelt, or "white gold"; and the bane of winter -- dust from the 
atmosphere that causes snow to melt before its time.

Go winter storm-chasing, enter nature's igloo

In the report, explore such topics as winter storm-chasing, a conifer 
tree's view of snow, life in nature's igloo, and where our winters 
have gone. <<http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/snow/>>
"Ten thousand years ago there were between 1 and 5 million people on 
the planet.  There was plenty of room to expand and move, and 
resources seemed endless."

Niles Eldredge. Dominion. 1995. University of California Press.
"But we need to be clear, the large-scale predicament and the 
emergent socio-economic stresses that we are beginning to experience 
has very little to with fraud, corruption and the greed of a tiny 
few. It has a lot to do with our human civilization running into 


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