[MCN] Coronavirus bringing a painful, but needed, end to era of economic excess c

Lance Olsen lance at wildrockies.org
Sun Mar 8 20:33:50 EDT 2020

Coronavirus bringing a painful, but needed, end to era of economic excess <https://news.google.com/articles/CBMidWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNjbXAuY29tL2NvbW1lbnQvb3Bpbmlvbi9hcnRpY2xlLzMwNzM5ODEvY29yb25hdmlydXMtYnJpbmdpbmctcGFpbmZ1bC1tdWNoLW5lZWRlZC1lbmQtZXJhLWVjb25vbWljLWV4Y2Vzc9IBdWh0dHBzOi8vYW1wLnNjbXAuY29tL2NvbW1lbnQvb3Bpbmlvbi9hcnRpY2xlLzMwNzM5ODEvY29yb25hdmlydXMtYnJpbmdpbmctcGFpbmZ1bC1tdWNoLW5lZWRlZC1lbmQtZXJhLWVjb25vbWljLWV4Y2Vzcw?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen>
The global economy and its credit-fuelled markets have a long way to fall and things will not return to normal after the epidemic. The hope is that governments, ...
South China Morning Post
5 hours ago


On August 21, 2009, The Wall Street Journal reported that “…many scientists say deep emissions cuts are necessary … to prevent … dangerous consequences of global warming,” and concluded that,  "Getting from here to there would require a massive economic shift.”

There’s likely been no better summary of the Green New Deal’s basic rationale. In just these few words, the Journal pointed directly to a dangerous trend, identified how to turn it around, and did that 10 years before the Sunrise Movement caught the attention of newly elected US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

<<https://mountainjournal.org/green-new-deal-faces-uphill-fight-in-wyoming-and-montana-coal-country <https://mountainjournal.org/green-new-deal-faces-uphill-fight-in-wyoming-and-montana-coal-country>>>

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