[MCN] Help YWCA Missoula win $25K

Becky Margolis bmargolis at ywcaofmissoula.org
Wed Sep 23 14:48:29 EDT 2020

YWCA Missoula is one of the top 200 finalists (and the only Montana organization) in a national grant competition offered by State Farm insurance. Now, we need your help to get the votes to win $25,000 to support families in Missoula! If we win, this grant will help fund therapeutic services for at-risk children at The Meadowlark, our new family housing center and domestic violence shelter that’s opening in just a few months. Voting is quick and easy!

Here's how you can support our efforts:

  *   VOTE for YWCA Missoula here<https://www.neighborhoodassist.com/entry/2033389?tmaadmin=cx5wne6n59n58uaa&v=1>. You'll have to create an account the first time you vote, and log in, but this only takes a minute. Be sure to select "use remaining votes on this cause" to give all 10 of your allotted daily votes to the YWCA. You can vote every day between now and Friday, October 2nd!
  *   Want a daily email reminder to vote? Sign up here<https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/dwWnfSR> and we will email you every day until Oct. 2nd so you don't forget.
  *   Share with your friends, family and social networks!

Thank you!

Becky Margolis | she/her
Communications Coordinator
T: 406-543-6691 F: 406-543-6777
E: bmargolis at ywcaofmissoula.org<mailto:%20bmargolis at ywcaofmissoula.org>

YWCA Missoula
1130 W. Broadway
Missoula, MT  59802

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