[MCN] Upcoming MUD Workshops: Hive Health and Tree Pruning

Jane McGuire jane at mudproject.org
Wed Mar 3 15:02:01 EST 2021

We invite you to join MUD for two upcoming workshops in March: Hive Health
and Tree Pruning.

On March 14, come learn about the life cycle of honeybees and what is going
on inside the hive. We will cover pest and disease management,
supplementation, winterization, and more. You will leave equipped with the
knowledge and skills to keep your bees healthy all year long.

During MUD's Tree Pruning Workshop on March 20 and 27, you will learn and
practice the skills to effectively prune your own fruit trees to achieve
healthier, more productive trees.

Both workshops will be held outside with attendance limited to 10 and masks
required. Details and tickets at

*Jane McGuire*
Communications Coordinator
Missoula Urban Demonstration Project (MUD) <https://mudproject.org>
(805) 441-1852

Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/MissoulaMUD/> I Instagram

*Empowering people to build a more sustainable community through tool
sharing and hands-on learning.*
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