[MCN] Missoula's Climate and Clean Energy Expo, September 25 at Caras Park!

Abby Huseth abby at climatesmartmissoula.org
Wed Sep 15 13:58:34 EDT 2021

 Hello Missoula!
We are excited to bring back our Climate & Clean Energy Expo for a third
year, with support from title sponsors Clearwater Credit Union, City of
Missoula, Missoula County, and the Montana Renewable Energy Association. We
hope you'll be able to join us!

What: Missoula's Climate and Clean Energy Expo!
When: September 25, from 10am-2pm
Where: Caras Park

Featuring local solar installers, climate and sustainability organizations
and businesses, mini-presentations on climate and clean energy topics,
electric vehicles and bikes, the launch of a new Electrify Missoula campaign,
kids activities and more, there's something for everyone. And don't miss a
special program at noon!
More details: https://www.missoulaclimate.org/clean-energy-expo.html

Missoula has set bold goals for addressing the climate crisis, and our aim
via this Expo is to highlight the many ways we - as individuals and
collectively - can step up and take part in solutions to build an
equitable, resilient and livable community.

A note on covid-safety: our staff will be wearing masks and we encourage
you to help protect our community by wearing yours as well. There's plenty
of space to distance safely under and around the Caras tent.

We do hope you can join us, and appreciate your help spreading the word.
Feel free to share our Facebook event as well:

Climate Smart Missoula and friends

P.S. Interested in volunteering? We can still use a few folks. Join us for
a couple hours or all day - the easy sign up form is here:


Abby Huseth
Outreach Director, Climate Smart Missoula
abby at climatesmartmissoula.org
O: (406) 926-2847
C: (406) 219-8876

ClimateSmartMissoula.org <http://www.missoulaclimate.org/>
Find us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/climatesmartmissoula> and
Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/climatesmartmissoula/>
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