[MCN] Please donate to Friends of the Jocko for Giving Tuesday!

Jim Coefield webmaster at wildrockies.org
Tue Nov 28 16:30:28 EST 2023

Greetings Friends!

We hope this email finds you well this holiday season, and we would like you to consider us on Giving Tuesday for a donation to help with our campaign.

Thank you!
Friends of the Jocko 

Donate Now

Friends of the Jocko is engaged in a lawsuit and administrative appeal against the Montana Department of Environmental Quality against their issuance of the Riverside Contracting Opencut Mining Permit in April 2023 to construct an asphalt plant and gravel pit north of Arlee at the end of White Coyote Road by the Garden of 1,000 Buddhas.

What have we done so far?
Networking and outreach to local and regional communities, the CSK Tribes and EWAM Garden of 1,000 Buddhas
Led the efforts to analyze this project, generating over 190 comments (10 times the average), and submitted official comments from a hydrologist firm and our legal team
Filed a lawsuit in MT District Court, and an administrative appeal with the Board of Environmental Review (BER)
Raised funds for outreach, research and current legal expenses
What does success look like?
The Court and/or Board of Environmental Review invalidate DEQ's Permit issued to Riverside Contracting.
The Courts uphold our right to a clean and healthful environment; right to participate and know; right to individual dignity; and right to privacy.
The DEQ administrative actions are reformed to adhere to law and our Constitutional rights, and return the public to a position of primacy.
Ultimately that there will be no asphalt plant/gravel pit at the proposed location.
We incur significant expenses with our legal team as they prepare our cases, and get ready for hearings in April of next year. While we have been able to keep up with the legal expenses so far, we need to ensure that we have the funds needed to carry our work to completion!

Thank you to everyone that has donated so far, 
and who continue to donate on a recurring basis! 
There are three ways to give:
PayPal - online with your credit card or PayPal account
https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=2FD88GBQWVYXY <https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=2FD88GBQWVYXY>
GoFundMe - online and invite your social media friends and family to join you
https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-the-jocko-valley-stop-the-pit <https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-the-jocko-valley-stop-the-pit>
By check - send a check directly to us at: PO Box 712, Arlee, MT 59821

While we are a Montana incorporated nonprofit, we use the Arlee CDC <https://friendsofthejocko.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8cddae8c9d71cb372eedee7a1&id=e989fb7622&e=8136d2f83c> (PO Box 452, Arlee, MT 59821) as a fiscal sponsor if you need your donation to be tax deductible. Be sure to indicate that your donation is to go to the Friends of the Jocko.

Donate Now
Help protect the Jocko Valley!

Visit our website to view maps, media stories, legal documents, etc.
Our Website
How can you join in?
Spread the word. We need everyone in our community, and beyond, to know about the damaging effects this project could bring to our lives. Please direct them to our website and social media.
Donate. We need resources to pay for the law firm we have hired, to pay for expert reports and to do outreach in the community.
Share our posts on Facebook <https://friendsofthejocko.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8cddae8c9d71cb372eedee7a1&id=cd28207c07&e=c64700c04a> and Instagram <https://friendsofthejocko.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8cddae8c9d71cb372eedee7a1&id=d6d5983667&e=c64700c04a> so that we can reach more people.
 <https://friendsofthejocko.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8cddae8c9d71cb372eedee7a1&id=bbf3282db3&e=c64700c04a>	 <https://friendsofthejocko.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8cddae8c9d71cb372eedee7a1&id=1e6e43c336&e=c64700c04a>

Our mailing address is:

Friends of the Jocko
PO Box 712
Arlee, MT 59821-0712

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